
A website for the world’s best watches

In cooperation with Stefan Bodeit / Digitale Lösungsmittel ( I have participated in a pitch for a design for the WATCHSTARS website. Which we have won. (Yay!)

The WATCHSTARS award is run by the Ebner Verlag who is publishing several watch magazines aside from others like the Page, Weave, etc.

In our today´s world when technology is changing so fast it is crucial to find a solution that works on all devices – from a desktop computer to tablets and a diverse range of mobile phones. We came up with a design based on a clear grid and single containers that fulfill these needs while keeping a consistent look and feel across all devices.

These mechanics have been applied to five different templates covering an overall number of twentysix pages – from the public home page to a gallery of nominees to a closed jury area where members can nominate their favouriote watches and vote for others.

To ensure a proper realisation of the website, programmed by Digitalmobil in Munich, a 66-pages styleguide has been handed over – with every single detail from layouts and grids to colors and gradients, from fonts and icons to navigation principles, from the public to the closed area, from the log in process to the voting procedure.

for Ebner Verlag / 2014